The Hospitality sector ranges from hotels, restaurants, small retail shops et cetera and the amount of data that is housed in these facilities are very sensitive. The hospitality sector must adhere to dual compliance regulatories along with set privacy requirements.
Hotels, Restaurants, Casino's are all very important businesses in this space. Have you ever thought of the amount of personal identifiable information, financial, health and business information these entities house?
With the plethora of information that is housed, adequate security measures should be applied in order to safeguard these overlooked high-data driven industries.
The Knox Corps can secure any company in this field leaving customers and owners with instilled confidence in the data protection measures that were strategically aligned.
Companies in the hospitality space must comply with multiple regulatories in order to keep the customer's data safeguarded along with their privacy.
Firms should pursue the following:
PCI DSS - Cardholder information is the key to every ecommerce firm as customers entrust your firm to safegiard this data for long-time use. One breach in this space could cause a firm to loose market share.
ISO - Firms should follow ISO Compliance as well to introduce an Information Security Management System into their business to protect personal identifiable information amongst others.
For more comprehensive information, contact us!
Regulatory and Frameworks
Regulatory fines can get to be very complex when equating risks to dollars. At times, the total cost for a breach might exceed to what the business is worth. Regulators mandate that fines are received 30 days after their initial report.
Breaches lead to reputational damage that equate to losses and eventually the non-existence of your business. Hackers are not your only enemies, your competitor could be an enemy.
It is time to protect your business and the identities of your customers, contact Knox!
Next Steps
1. Seek a Risk Assessment of the firm that covers the multiple regulatories.
2. Seek an experienced Chief Security Officer.
3. Seek Board involvement and investment.
4. Prioritize risk by numbers and impact to the firm.
5. Implement a security framework consistent with policies and procedures.
6. Contact The Knox Corps to plan and execute the identification and remediation of risk today!
For more comprehensive information, contact us!